Report Abuse - 100493

SFX exchange company - 2 for 1

Doesn’t surprise me that you got that from customer service. The owner is a straight up *** so that’s probably where they get it from [Q=vickie247] I haven't tried to exchange with them, but I got really irritated with their customer service. I get emails advertising "2 for 1" weeks. Well, in their world, that means you pay for one then you pay $299 for the 2nd. I wrote to complain about their "false advertising" and they got VERY ugly with me. I couldn't believe it was a customer service person writing those things. They said next time I should read the whole advertisement properly and that I was "misinterpreting factual information" and then they cancelled my membership (which I didn't ask them to.) I wrote back and told them to reinstate me (they did), that I HAD read the advertisement thoroughly and that all my life (in America at least) "2 for 1" means you pay for one and you get another free. What they should say is "Buy one, get a deep discount for a 2nd."[/Q]