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Re: Getting rid of a time share.

Some TUG members have been tracking the timeshare Ebay auctions being conducted on behalf of Timeshare Solutions and Timeshare Relief. We know the Ebay names of at least 3 individuals doing it. About 50% of the weeks are very undesirable and are won with a very low bid. Some get no bids at all. They are often re-listed with free closing. And still no bids. Weeks like this would probably justify the owner paying to have it taken off their hands. But many of the weeks have excellent value and have gone for upwards of $10,000.. What a shame that anyone felt compelled to pay thousands of dollars to be rid of the week. They could have easily sold it themselves. But if/when people who own weeks like that learn not to give it to Companies like TS and TR, the companies would be in danger of going out of business. Even if they can persuade owners of "doggie" weeks to pay for their services, they won't make much money trying to rid themselves of the burden of ownership and ongoing maintenance fees, etc... if no one wants to buy them on Ebay.