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Re: Getting rid of a time share.

[Q=elsas3] [Q=phill12] I would be shocked to find these companies ever transfer condo's into their name. I have heard stories of people doing this and few years later there being sued for back mf and taxes because the company never sold and would not pay these fee's.[/Q] That would be illegal as there is a contract that states in no uncertain terms the the property will be transfered to Timeshare Relief. If they were pulling that kind of scam they wouldn't be in business very long. I'm still not getting what the problem with them selling timeshares on ebay is presuming that's even true. I'm not inclined to trust the TUG people much as most all of them are deeply imbedded in the Timeshare Industry in one way or another. How is it that they know who these ebay sellers are? I'm not vehemently opposed to timeshares and I realize there are some great ones but traversing the timeshare world is tricky and most people get burned. It's an expensive mistake no matter how you look at it.