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Re: Getting rid of a time share.

The only time I would ever consider paying thousands of dollars to get rid of a timeshare would be if I determined that my unit would be impossible to sell, even for $1.00 on Ebay and if the annual maintenance fees were very high. Otherwise, why not continue to pay the fees for several years, meanwhile depositing the week with RCI or II and obtaining some vacation exchanges to use or give as gifts to family and friends. If the maintenance fees are around $400. per year, it would take about 9 years before you would be out the $3500. you would have given to Timeshare Relief. Maybe you will find someone during that time to take it off your hands for free. This person has very good advice. Definitely research, research, research into other options rather then lining someone's pocket. We bought into a bad timeshare and we found out that there was no way we could get back what we paid (high red season too!) even though we just bought it 2 years ago and it is a fairly new resort. So we have had to bite the cost and now we will go to other resorts.