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Re: resales @ Sunset Beach

I have dealt with Ana Ortiz at the resort and she is very effecient and a very nice person as I met her the last time I was in Cabo. What you have to understand is they have rules they must go by, and when they have to send something back it comes by donkey express. Just be patient and remember you are on Mexico time. [Q=christa76] ok...after calling down to Pueblo Bonito, I discovered that the paperwork sent to them wasn't EXACTLY what they wanted, so they've sent it back to us. However, they sent it via Mexican mail which may take 6-8 weeks. The original title was in this paperwork so I pray that evertything is intact. We had included a cover letter stating how to get in touch with us should there be any problems. Evidently, whoever processed the paperwork didn't even take the time to read it(or couldn't). BUYER BEWARE!! When dealing with the resort, be sure to cross all t's and dot the i's. It seems like they are looking for an excuse to mess things up.[/Q]