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Re: Anybody used the '45 days out' system?

I would rescind immediately via a certified letter with return receipt from your post office following the exact procedures for rescission in your contract. Until you learn more about timesharing (other than the lies a salesperson might have told you) I wouldn't buy until I was sure what/where/price I was willing to pay on the [b]resale[/b] market. Also, I would never buy any timeshare just to join an exchange company for Last Call offers. Inventory changes all the time, and in hard to get places (supply and demand) you may never see anything at all. [Q=sm114]We're in a similar boat - we HS in WA -- and are still in our 7 day rescission period - wondering if we should dump it. Does it look like all the offerings are more east coast / central US? Karen - did you buy with Trendwest?[/Q]