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Re: Against RCI/II Rules to Rent out Exchanges

I think the question pertaining to bonus certificates is addressed on II's website. Bonus certificates are not exchanges, so you wouldn't pay an exchange fee. You do have to pay whatever the fee is to buy a bonus week (they are not free). As far as guest certificates, I'm not sure if you have to buy one or not for II bonus certificates, but the reservation would have to be in the name of the person using the unit, so you may have to purchase a guest certificate afterall. Check out II's website in their FAQs for the answer to this question. As far as anyone admitting to renting an exchange, you'd be surprised at the number of people who will advertise that they are [b]renting an exchange[/b], which throws up a bright red flag to the exchange companies. Also, some resorts will question a guest certificate (Disney resorts do), so there are ways and means for the exchange companies to find out. There was a person just the other day on another timeshare forum who had previously advertised renting an exchange. The exchange company saw it and cancelled the member's account. It's just not worth it to even try to rent an exchange. The consequences far outweigh any positives by losing exchange company privileges. A few years ago you would see sales of spacebanked weeks all the time on Ebay. The exchange companies immediately stopped that practice in it's tracks. [Q=mike1536]I realize Interval International and RCI prohibit people from renting exchanges (they hate to see someone profit from their service), however, I have I.I. bonus certificates that I probably won't use. I'd be willing to let people use them for the cost of the exchange fees, guest certificates, etc. Is this still considered "renting" an exchange? Also why would anyone admit to it being a rental as opposed to them being a guest?[/Q]