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Re: What are the differences in silver, platinum, etc.?

To understand the differences between bronze, silver, gold and platinum weeks, first you need to know that at Barony, the possible check-in days are Friday, Saturday or Sunday. The dates I've listed below are for Friday check-in/out in 2007. Therefore Saturday check-in dates would start one day later and end one day later, Sunday check-in /out, two days later. The ending date I've listed in each period is the last possible day of occupancy for that period (with Friday check-in), not the beginning of a new week. The same is true in all the following categories. I've listed the weeks in ascending order of cost - Bronze the cheapest to buy, Platinum the most costly. Bronze weeks include (in 2007) weeks 1-4 (Jan. 5th - Feb. 2nd) and weeks 49 and 50 (December 5th - Dec. 21st) for a total of 6 possible weeks to select from. Silver weeks, the next category, in 2007 include weeks 5-12 or February 2nd through March 30th, weeks 44-48, (Nov. 2nd - December 7th) and weeks 51 and 52, or December 21st - January 4th for a total of 15 possible weeks. Gold weeks in 2007 include weeks 13-21 or March 30th -June 1st, and weeks 35 - 43 or August 31st - November 2nd. This is a total of 18 possible weeks. Platinum weeks in 2007 include weeks 22-34, June 1st through August 31st. One other thing to remember is the dates for each "season" change each year with calendar changes, so although in 2007, the Gold season includes Memorial Day weekend, that will not be the case in 2010 or 2011. And as the owner of 3 weeks at Barony, and a resident of nearby North Carolina who has vacationed numerous times in coastal South Carolina, I agree with the poster who said Platinum weeks are NOT the time to vacation at Hilton Head! In summer HH is over run with tourists, making stores, restaurants and highways very, very crowded. And Hilton Head is very hot and very, very humid! If you're a golfer, and you plan to vacation at HH in the summer, prepare to play golf at 7AM! Try HH in the spring or fall instead when the temperature is cooler, humidity is much lower and you can actually enjoy the ocean, the beach or playing golf during the day on one of the many lovely courses HH is known for.