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Diamond Owners need to get together. We attended the presentation by HGV last night in Chandler AZ to learn how the acquisition would affect our interests - we expected a diminuation of our points but no way did we expect Hilton to expect us to pay $60,000 to bring us into the Hilton family - for our timeshare we have owned for nearly 30 years!!! Also strange how they said we missed the "pre-merger" option which was a cost of only $18,000 to move to the Hilton program. All of this is very strange and seems not quite legal - Hilton buys all of Diamond unsold properties and we as owners no longer have access to them unless we buy in plus pay our annual maintenance fees? How is this sane? Also, we thought the hard timeshare sales tactics of badmouthing the competition and making an offer contingent on your accepting it immediately were a thing of the past.! NOT WiTH HILTON! We took a pass and will seek ways to no get out of our ownership - Hiton can cover our maintenance fees themselves! I'm not sure the properties are even worth the annual maintenance fees let alone the additional buy in $ they want1