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Re: I called in to get a hardship and end my timeshare

[Q=teeg11] Hello [b] I ended my timeshare with westgate in 2020[/b]. I applied for an apartment and they did a credit check and told me I have $15,000 balance on mortgage . I was rejected from the apartment and now I am homeless . How can I fix this ? I don’t owe timeshare and I was told it’s on my credit score as in foreclosure and it doesn’t have a sell date so nothing can be done . I am clueless[/Q] It's not at all clear (...not to me, anyhow) what you mean by "[b]ended my timeshare with Westgate in 2020[/b]". You cannot unilaterally "end" [b]any[/b] contractual obligation without the direct involvement and agreement of the other party to the contractual obligation. If you stopped paying on an associated loan for that timeshare (and / or simply ceased paying the timeshare maintenance fees), you did not "end" anything in any legal sense; you merely stopped meeting your contractual obligations. Is the $15k figure that you reference above perhaps the unpaid balance on a loan / mortgage that you agreed to in purchasing the timeshare? If so, there is little you can do now, after defaulting on that loan obligation. If that credit report entry is not correct, you should formally dispute the accuracy of that particular credit report entry by directly contacting the credit reporting agencies (Experian, TransUnion, etc.) to get any erroneous information in their records resolved and corrected. Good luck.