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Re: Against RCI/II Rules to Rent out Exchanges

[Q=ovr] Isn't it just a little hypocritical for RCI, which is itself setting up a wide network of outlets to rent out our spacebank deposits to the general public, to prohibit their dues paying members who have deposited a week and paid an exchange fee from doing exactly the same thing. If RCI really wants to stop rentals of spacebank deposits, the very first thing they should do is to look in a mirror![/Q] While I'm sure I don't know all the details, it is my understanding that timeshares often deposit some of their unsold inventory with exchange companies to bring in "new blood"--potential buyers. And, of course, it is to the advantage of current owners to have inventory sold and bringing in its share of upkeep costs. This may account for some of the offered rentals. Weeks which are about to expire are also available. The logic behind not allowing us to rent out our exchanges is to preserve as much inventory as possible for the use of actual exchange company members. We have all read complaints about how hard it sometimes is to get exchanges into prime properties at busy seasons. Can you imagine how much harder it would be if some of us were gobbling up prime weeks solely for the purpose of renting them out? There are also additional security considerations when the persons using the timeshares are neither owners nor exchange company members. Yes, the rule in annoying sometimes, but it is not new and has its reasons. Re allowing compensation for the exchange fee and gift confirmation: Yes.