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Re: Re: Re: Cancelling within 10 days

[Q=aimeer48] hi im dealing with the same thing . i sent in my letter 24 hours after signing . how long did it take to receive a cncellation confirmation ?[/Q] There is [b]no[/b] obligation to send you [b]any[/b] "cancellation confirmation" at any time. Their [b]only[/b] legal obligation is to [b]process[/b] a properly and timely submitted, signed, correctly addressed rescission and then issue a 100% refund within 45 days (refunds usually occur much sooner than 45 days, however). I hope that you sent your signed rescission letter [b]by certified mail and obtained a date stamped receipt from the USPS counter[/b], in case you ever have to prove the date of postmark. Date of actual delvery of your rescission correspondence does not matter at all --- the [b]postmark[/b] date (within the applicable state law time period (3 - 10 days, depending on the individual state) is all that matters from a legal perspective.