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Re: Buying from internet auctions

lc68 has observed, quoted in pertinent part: >> The closing fees are spelled out clearly, as are the annual maintanence fees. It also says that the timeshare is paid to date on maintanence fees. << ====================================== To elaborate further on my earlier reply, many times the PCC's who list on eBay will "cut and paste" content from one ad over to another. In that process, info which may (or may not) have been correct in one ad then becomes entirely wrong when transported by "cut and paste" over to another ad. Let me give you a very specific example, for an eBay listing which I saw last week for a facility I'm well familiar with (Perennial Vacation Club, to be exact). I could probably find the exact link for you to see the (now closed) original auction ad for yourself, if you really wanted: 1. eBay listing openly stated "Gold Crown", but no PVC facility is (nor has any EVER been) rated "Gold Crown". 2. eBay listing said "deeded ownership". It's NOT . PVC is a "right to use" membership (no deed). 3. eBay listing showed a significantly incorrect maintenance fee amount --- not even close to the actual figure. Yes, info was all "spelled out" in the ad ---but so much of the info was inaccurate that "misspelled out" might be a more appropriate description. This is just ONE ad I happened to recently become aware of from a forum posting on another site, but I've seen dozens of others with grossly inaccurate information within the ad. There may be occasional (extremely rare, in my opinion) legitimate "bargains" on eBay, but please do NOT accept any eBay PCC ad content as being true, accurate or correct just because you see it in print in multiple colors --- chances are very good that there are more errors than colors in that eBay ad. Whether it's innocent oversight or deliberate deceit, I don't know (nor do I care --- wrong info is still wrong info). Check and independently confirm every ad claim for yourself if you step into the murky waters of timeshare sales on eBay...... CAVEAT EMPTOR (Buyer Beware)