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Re: Buying from internet auctions

This was WONDERFUL information, and I thnak you deeply and sincerely for taking the time to explain things to us. We are so new at this and your insight was very helpful. Many of these dirt cheap timeshares on eBay (no reason to avoid specifcally identifying the site by name) are being sold by businesses often called "Post Card Companies" by some people. Why they are sometimes called PCC's doesn't much matter, except for you to be clearly aware that they are businesses which have actually already been paid several thousand dollars by someone to just take a "less-than-desirable" timeshare "off their hands". If the PCC then sells that timeshare for just a dollar on eBay, they have STILL made that previous several thousand dollars ALREADY. If they sell it for more than a dollar, then that's just plain additional "gravy". You will only VERY rarely see anything that's really popular or desirable or of prime value in timeshares sold in this particular manner. Also, keep in mind that these PCC's (who often each have dozens of eBay listings under several different seller names for the exact same business entity) often just "cut and paste" ad information from one ad over to another. In so doing, many factual errors are created (maybe innocently, maybe not). Finally, many of them also insist upon using "their own" closing company --another flag to proceed very carefully. If I buy a timeshare, I want to choose and hire an objective third party closing company in the middle of the transaction. Foxes running the henhouse is not something I want to pay for, personally. Don't get all starry eyed over $1.00 eBay prices. Junk is still junk, even when cheap. My recommendation is to do your homework, figure out exactly what you want to buy, where you want the timeshare to be where you will actually use it, whether you want a fixed week or a float week, and what is an acceptable annual maintenance fee cost for you. Also, PLEASE don't just assume that you can just buy and later "exchange" a low value, low demand timeshare for something much better -- that's unlikely to happen. Don't even LOOK at timeshare ads until you first clearly establish this baseline information above in your mind. At that point, go looking in resale ads posted on RedWeek, TUG,, where much higher quality offerings by private (and some business) entities are offered. Only as a last resort do you want to have to undertake the time and effort to sift through the junk timeshares and/or factual misrepresentations so prevalent (in my opinion, anyhow) on eBay. A "bargain" is not a "bargain" if you ultimately end up with something worthless to you -- and sending you annual maintenance fee bills each and every year until you can be the next one to "unload" this "bargain"....... This is just my own personal opinion and advice, offered in good faith to hopefully help you to avoid a big mistake which is easy to make --- but then very difficult to correct. Good luck --- and Caveat Emptor (Buyer Beware).[/Q]