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Re: Loss of VIP Status

I just noticed on the Interval Site that they are now indicating the Hollywood Beach Resort ( a pretty much dumpy place run (???) by Ramada now has the name Wynhdam Hollywood Beach Resort Hotel. Warning....this is not near a Wyndham ( or most FF) resorts needs help real bad. No one on any internet site I've ever read shows the VIP program to be worth the difference in cost between the developer or the resale. Yesterday, on E Bay, there was a set of points (189,000) at a bid of $388.00. I think it closes tonite....Its a Sea Garden, 2 bed 2 bath.... I figure if it goes for $500.00, that might be about 1/2 cent a point???? What you need to consider is the maint fees, ins & taxes....looked to be pushing $800 total.