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[Q=ken1193] marty8084 stated in part: >> I have emailed Second Market Timeshares letting them know that you have not heard back from them and to respond immediately.<< =================================================== Today, exactly 15 days after my initial inquiry, I did in fact receive a reply (I wouldn't quite call it a response) from someone at Second Market Timeshare Resales, apparently after some prodding from RedWeek. The reply was, in essence, that neither they nor the seller whom they represent quite understand what the seller actually owns or, consequently, what is actually being advertised in the particular ad to which I responded back on 12/20/07. However, agent LM reassures me that if they ever figure it out, they "will get back to me". I probably won't be holding my breath in the meantime....[/Q] Hmmm, that's not good.