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PostCard Company endorsed by neophyte

[Q=ken1193] I know from your previous posts that you are very new to timesharing. However, before you provide free advertising for the Ochoas and sing their praises here, I think it's relevant to at least know how they actually obtain timeshare products to resell in the first place. Some folks don't care how / where such PostCard Companies obtain their product. Others do (and I'll admit that I'm in the latter group).[/Q] Yep, I'm new to timesharing. I readily admitted to this in the beginning of my post, and said I could only report on my limited personal experience. The fact is, that I had no trouble with my purchase. Of course, before proceeding with this transaction, I typed "Doug Ochoa" into the RedWeek forum search box and did not find any negative information about him or his company. If I should have been warned against doing business with him, I wasn't. If I should not be endorsing this company, I apologize for my ignorance ... but I have no evidence of dishonesty on the part of my seller, and can only report on my own experience as a buyer. I don't know anything about "Postcard Companies" ... but I can't help but wonder why anybody would PAY somebody thousands of dollars to take a timeshare off their hands? Can't a person sell a timeshare himself at a heavy loss, or even give it away for free? I guess I'll find out if I ever try to sell ours. Mack F.