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Endorsing the Ochoas...

mackf4 stated, in relevant part: >> Of course, before proceeding with this transaction, I typed "Doug Ochoa" into the RedWeek forum search box and did not find any negative information about him or his company. If I should have been warned against doing business with him, I wasn't. If I should not be endorsing this company, I apologize for my ignorance ... but I have no evidence of dishonesty on the part of my seller, and can only report on my own experience as a buyer.<< To keep the record accurate and straight here, I VERY clearly stated in my post that I was NOT in any way impugning the honesty of the Ochoas --- not then, not now, neither expressed nor in any way even implied. You (like all of us) are certainly free to choose with whom you do business. My primary intended point was that these discussion forums certainly are NOT an appropriate avenue in which to provide free advertising for a commercial entity, about which you actually know nothing more than your parents' one, recent eBay purchase experience. Accordingly, I take some exception to your (or anyone) publicly endorsing a commercial entity which represents PostCard Comapanies and about which you really know nothing at all beyond (your parents', not even your own) single recent purchase. If the Ochoas want to come out from behind their assorted business names and advertise their "services" and /or explain exactly where the inventory they sell actually comes from, I submit that it's probably a good idea to let them do so for themselves...