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Re: Global Access thru Orange Lake Resorts

[Q=roger365] Will they let you convert any weeks that you have bought on the resale market to GA?[/Q] I asked about this after my stay at OL, especially since the after-market deals are so good. I was told that if I bought a week on the after-market that was already "Global Access", the points would transfer. _BUT_ if I was buying a unit that didn't already have GA points attached to it, I would have to _BUY ANOTHER UNIT THRU THEM_ that was Global Access and they would then convert the after-market units to points. So I would then own three units, not two. The rep on the phone then offered me a week at Panama City that was good EVERY OTHER YEAR for about $11,000 (worth 153,000 points). When I turned her down, she called back a couple of days later, and the price dropped to $9,000. I haven't called her back yet. I _was_ told on the phone that there is NO WAY to just buy points for a unit I buy on the after-market.