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Re: resale scam

I take back what I said about my last post being too long, the reply I got from the person made mine pale in comparison. I wasn't real surprised though because you had some lengthy replies to posts on Tugg as well. Perhaps you misunderstood, I didn't really have a question for you at all much less having a main question as to how you got refunds for victims. The point was why I didn't credit you directly because of my concerns about your business. If you feel slighted then I apologize just for that. As far as stealing a post from your forum as you put is up for debate. My error was probably using it to begin with in as far as it has done what I didn't want to happen in the first place, which was to give your site a new audience without knowing the legitamacy of your service. Before you get defensive again I am not accusing you of anything but I still have concerns about what you say you do and the effectiveness you have in doing it. Chargebacks are not quite as easy as you put it. Some card companies are more consumer friendly than others. Plus, any good scam operation knows how to walk a victim through the verification process so that chargebacks are almost a non issue.