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Re: PV remodel

Club Regina is actually no longer a part of Westin family; they [Westin & Club Regina/Raintree] originally started out that way to some degree. A few years ago (3? 4?)the two formally parted ways and became two separate entities. This lead to the beginning of the controversy regarding the shamefull deterioration of the Club Regina buildings - their sales reps claimed that during the tenure where Westin & Club Regina/Raintree were together, that the Westin spent more than necessary towards upkeep for "Westin" buildings - and less than necessary amounts to the Regina buildings. [This of course, was the feedback when asked, from a Club Regina employee/PV and is of course only their opinion] In PV however, the 'property' itself is one in the same (shared)- the Westin hotel is has buildings on one side, and the Club Regina comprises another set of buildings on the other side of the property.