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[Q=stevet216] My MOM has 130000 points and 3 weeks which means nothing since she cant uses them for any real. Their are so many loopholes and "special rules" the little saving is not worth the frustration. is there any way to navigate this system? She is 78 and I now do all her bidding for her. I have just started delaing with this and am already tired of putting on hipboots (to wade through the you know what) everytime I speak with someone (and it is never jsut one person) at RCI[/Q] [b]Flexibility and early deposits/reservations are the keys to successful exchanges ... timesharing is not for the person that waits until the last minute to book an exchange, especially in desirable hard to get locations. And flexibility is key by choosing several different locations/times and not just concentrating on one location and time. I assume your mother is retired and can travel at any time, therefore flexibility should work in her situation.[/b]