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Re: Conflict of interest: Wyndham/RCI?

This is the way it is or was, There was Cendant a large multinational with several divisions all under the same parent including timeshare, hotels, car rental, real estate, insurance etc about 4 years ago the broke apart Cendant into separate companies about the same time they purchased Wyndham hotels. One of the new companies was centered on hospitality, timeshare, hotels etc another around car rental etc. The Hospitality company they named Wyndham after the hotel brand which includes RCI, Wyndham hotels and the other 9 hotel brands (days inn, super 8, Hojo, Ramada etc) Then they started renaming sections to Wyndham, they changed Fairfield to Wyndham, they renamed Trip rewards to Wyndham rewards etc they always owned them they just changed their names.........It has made it look like they purchased companies they didn’t, they always owed them they just renamed them. So RCI didn't buy Wyndham and Wyndham didn't by RCI they both came from the same parent....