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Re: Donating my timeshare to a charity

I tried donating two timeshares to charity and kept running into road blocks. Nobody wanted them since they weren't prime locations and weeks. I joined the National Timeshare Owners Association. They have a newsletter that they send out to members periodically. I read an article in the newsletter suggesting ways to get rid of a timeshare. The first suggestion was to contact the resort and offer it back to them. I did just that. They both agreed to take them back with just a quit claim deed. The entire process took only about a month and I have two recorded quit claim deeds and I am no longer responsible for any fee There is no need to be ripped off by these scam companies. There is a website I advise everyone to visit this site. Click on timeshares and scroll down to links about if you should buy a timesahare - MAYBE. It's an eye opener. If I knew then what I know now I would never have bought a timeshare. If it looks like a scam and sounds like a scam..... IT"S A SCAM !!!!! If you really want to spend a few dollars to get rid of your timesahre. Join the ( NTOA ) National Timeshare Association. Their website is It's a group of timeshare owners looking out for each other and sharing positive and negative experiences. It also serves as a lobby for timeshare owners. The timeshare industry spends millions lobbying on their behalf. The NTOA lobbies on our behalf. Please try to contact your home resort to see if they will take your week back. A lot of resorts now take them back rather than lose years of maintenance fees and legal expenses only to get them back by default.