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Re: 2011 Harborside II Maintenance Fees - OVERBOARD

I agree with everything everyone is saying. We purchased nearly 10 years ago and our fees have gone from around $750.00 a year to almost $2,000 a year. That is for every year and we only own in the even year. Not only that, but we can never seem to get a week that we are able to go, even when we try and book over a year in advance and we own in the platinum season. I think I am going to sell and take a huge loss, however I can always go to red week and rent any week I want for the same price as my fees and not have the headache of being an owner. It has become very apparent that they do nothing for the owners except keep gouging our pocket books. Last time we went to Atlantis, my husband commented that it certainly was not being maintained as a 5 star development as some of the timeshares we own in the states were much better kept.. When we arrived our beds had no bedspreads on them and when we asked for them, we were told that they had run out. This is what I pay for???? I would be interested in your class action suit Mr.Siegel.