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Buying Timeshare?

[Q=sheryll55] I thought the brokers were all scams? We have tried to sell our multiple different ways and have never had any luck. We don't trust all the companies that call us all the time to buy them. We have just read so much on scams and how these companies say they will buy your property, but you have to put money down and then you never hear from them again. [/Q] Not all brokers are scams. If you go to, there will be a list of legitimate resale brokers. They only take their commission out of the proceeds of the sale, no upfront fees. Just remember that they charge a minimum $1000 commission. What different ways have you tried to sell them? And by the way, you are very smart to be wary of these upfront fee scams that promise to sell or rent your unit(s) but do nothing but take your money.