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Re: Did you get lied to and it led to you buying a timeshare?

We're wise to your scams in here. You lead people on with a promise to get them out of their contracts. Once they take the bait you come up with a " fee " that has to be paid before they can complete the transaction. If they are dumb enough to fall for it then you come up with another " fee " that has to be paid. It goes on until you bleed them dry. Then they get put on a " sucker list " and others contact them cliaming they can recover the money you scammed them out of. You claim you can get them out of a contract because the salesperson lied to them. Not true. They are bound by the legal and binding contract they signed. No verbal promises can supercede a written contract. Go somewhere else and try your scam. I will be here every day to refute your lies.