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Re: Club Navigo is a rip off

YES! I completely agree that Club Navigo is a rip off. We bought our timeshare at Liki Tiki in 2001 while on our Honeymoon. We were sold the whole spew of timeshare BS. It was going to be such an incredible investment to pass on to our children etc. I could cry every single time our maintenance and tax bill arrives. Every year it gets higher. It started at just over $400 a year and is now at $1000 a year. You can actually rent a week for less than that. This has put so much stress on us. We have tried to exchange to go to different places and the only other place we can ever go is Daytona. The options are terrible. They make it all look fantastic and beautiful but the reality of it is that it has become pure hell. I really don't know how anyone with a conscious at all could look someone in the eye and feel ok with selling another human being who likely works hard for their money, and lie to them about the reality of timeshares. I have tried so hard to get out of this without going into even more debt. I wish I could find a way out. We can't even stand the thought of Florida anymore. Also, to all of you who have commented with positive reviews. Good for you if it's true. I just find it to be a little far fetched myself.