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Re: Orange Lake and Holiday Inn

Toms705, While $40,000 is excessive, don't count on being able to convert for $200. Those offers were for a select group of resorts that Holiday Inn took over and offered current owners a limited time to chose to enroll in the Holiday Inn Club converting their weeks. That offer was never made to Orange Lake owners. That offer is not available if you were to buy a week at those resorts now. My guess would be a purchase of $8000-$20,000 would be required of you to convert. You might want to call the corporate sales office if you are interested. You may even get something as low as $6000 but I wouldn't count on that. Don't forget that when you go to sell your week would revert back to the deeded week and the points would not transfer so whatever the cost is you would have to think that it is worth it for the time you (or your children) own the resort and the resale value will not be enhanced in any way by converting.