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Re: Has anyone ever been scammed using redweek?

A week in the time frame of renting your unit is nothing. We have rented and sold on red week, for some it took months. We always posted early, to give anyone a chance to decide if our posting was what they were looking for. As far as viewing to see if anyone has looked at it, I can't really think of any site that has a number of views except maybe e-bay. I don't deal with them or Craig's list, to many scammers. Keep in mind yours is not the only one out there, and if it's a good week at a good place(as you say) and the price is right, you shouldn't have a problem. GOOD LUCK [Q=jenniferk570] I paid for a posting and I'm just worried that no one will even look at it. It's been a week and I haven't heard anything![/Q]