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Re: aruba surf club

As a matter of correction / clarification to the input quoted below, RTU (right to use) is by definition NOT any form of deeded ownership. There is no deed in RTU and RTU involves no actual "ownership" whatsoever. RTU instead involves a CONTRACT providing only guaranteed periodic access. RTU contracts can be "open ended" (no expiration date) or they can be duration specific. Typically, for example, Mexican RTU contracts are generally for terms of between 15 and 30 years. I have no idea about Aruba, however --- the associated contract specific to the resort at issue will surely identify the term duration details. [Q=williamp511] RTU, is "right to use" could be any time of year or with in a designated window of use. Deeded, a specific wk. every yr. or every other yr.(which ever is deeded) in a specific unit. One guaranties occupancy on a given wk., the other puts you in the pool with everyone else.[/Q]