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Corporate Timeshare Nonsense

[Q=surfm] They tried me again .... Unbelievable. I think, the girl who called me, was in shock, when I immediately and calmly explained to her that RCI had officially listed their business as a scam company. Doesn't it click with people, when the owners' timeshare management company has publicly shot them down as scammers ? Do you really need to go to court over this nonsense ?[/Q] Keep in mind that "phone scammer" operations like this rely upon gullible people believing their claims, not doing any homework and just promptly agreeing to "pony up". You'd never even FIND them, let alone get them into a courtroom. It's purely a phone based scam. Parasites like these depend upon the reliability of that old saying --- "There's a sucker born every minute". Good on 'ya for not becoming one of those unfortunate suckers. These scammers will just keep calling until they manage to "hook" a sucker. Sadly, they will!