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Re: Any experience with Vacation Experts?

[Q=douglasw169] Just got a call today saying they would buy my timeshare. I had to watch a 30 minute video and call back for my appraisal. When I called back they offered 12200 but their vacation club was 15500. I would have to pay the difference plus 199 annually. I offered to throw in a second timeshare to cover the difference but they refused. They said that was the max[/Q] That's all just smoke and mirrors nonsense. They are [b]not[/b] "buying" any timeshares. Your timeshares (like most) probably aren't worth much at all and the so-called "membership" is essentially worthless. They toss those big numbers around to appeal to greed and to manufacture a false atmosphere of business legitimacy, but it all basically amounts to "Send us $3,200 for a worthless membership. We probably won't do a thing with your unwanted timeshares, so you'll still end up owning them anyhow, but thanks for the cash. Don't worry about the $199 per year either; we will probably have completely disappeared into thin air by this time next year anyhow. Thanks again for the money!" Does this potential scenario sound attractive to you?