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Wyndham fee help

[Q=markh535] [b]Today I was told[/b] by buying more points I could use what I buy to offset at least 80% of my maintenance fees by giving Wyndham the 250,000 points. Called the “Affiliate Marketing Program “. How can 250,000 points pay $6000? Lie???[/Q] Told [b]by whom[/b], exactly --- and [b]where[/b]? What you were told makes no sense at all when you think about it. [b]No one[/b] on earth is going to pony up $6,000 for 250,000 Wyndham points. I see Internet ads posted by current Wyndham points owners offering to give away contracts with 182,000 points (or more) [b]for free[/b], just to get that contract (and all the fees) out of their own name. Don't listen to whoever is feeding you this line of complete BS and nonsense. "A fool and his money are soon parted", as the old saying goes. Don't be a fool.