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Is that the final price ?

[Q=alim64] The price that is listed on the site for re-sales, is that the final price or are there additioanl fees for closing and transferring title/deed?[/Q] There are always closing costs for any and every timeshare transaction (estoppel, preparation and recording of new deed, etc.), regardless of where advertised. Figure on several hundred dollars, at a minimum. More often than not, there is also a separate "transfer fee" imposed by the resort itself; a gratuitous but mandatory fee imposed just to process the change in ownership (and billing) records after the resort receives a copy of the new recorded deed in the new owner's name. Transfer fees range from zero (rare, these days) to $699 (Hyatt timeshares), but an average, representative transfer fee is often $100 or $150. Some Mexican RTU contracts cost several [b]thousand[/b] dollars to transfer, which is utterly absurd "legal larceny". Closing costs and transfer fee are completely negotiable between a buyer and a seller. Sometimes they are just are "split" down the middle. It really depends on how "motivated" the seller is. A really motivated seller will often pay all closing costs [b]and[/b] the transfer fee to "seal the deal". I will point out that any prices you see listed in ads, regardless of the advertising site, are merely [b]asking[/b] prices. You can always offer less, if you think it's overpriced. The seller may or may not be willing to negotiate, again depending on how "motivated" they are. Some sellers have a completely unrealistic (delusional, actually) notion of the actual resale value of their timeshare, particularly if they originally bought (i.e., grossly overpaid) by purchasing directly from a developer. The original price paid to a developer is [b]completely[/b] irrelevant in terms of the value of [b]any[/b] timeshare in the secondary (resale) market today. No one cares even one little bit about the amount someone originally overpaid to a developer --- the secondary market value simply "is what it is". The marketplace value, much like water, always finds it own level.