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Has anyone ever sold their timeshare to travel agency?

This is a scam which I unfortunately was sucked into. The scammers impersonate Despegar, Bank of Montreal, Home Realty of Rochester, Profeco and the MX govt. to induce you to wire money into various mysterious accounts in MX. They also pose as a phony law firm: Jordan Diamond. DO NOT EVER WIRE MONEY AS PART OF A TIMESHARE RESALE TRANSACTION. IT IS A SCAM. They will try to keep up a narrative to get you to keep wiring money. At one point they had me believing that there was a certified check waiting for me at the border and I had to wire 16% of the checks value to MX Customs to get the check released. I fell for it. Don't be a sucker. If you get a call from any "travel service"' company offering to buy your timeshare hang up the phone.