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Re: Is TUG Helpful?

In addition to all the negatives you are spouting out about TUG, you do realize that many have found TUG to be helpful, don't you? It has helped many people with their rescission thus avoiding throwing away millions of dollars in retail sales. It has helped many: 1)...not-so-knowledgeable and new owners of timeshares and vacation clubs avoid the many upfront resale and rental scams. 2)...owners avoid the pitfalls of throwing away thousands of dollars on these so-called "exit" or "cancellation" companies. 3)...owners who were wanting to get rid of their timeshares by having a forum allowing them to advertise for free that they want to give their unit away and have successfully done so. 4)...potential buyers do a lot of research before buying what they want at resale prices without having to pay the huge developers' prices. So even though you might not have received any personal benefit from using TUG, many others have.