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[Q=benbeninkb] Has anyone used TUG? It’s the Timeshare Users Group. Is is helpful? I’ve been reading it but I see a lot of people arguing with each other so I am not sure if I can trust it. Is it reputable?[/Q] As with any public forum, you are going to have people with different opinions (some very strong) that they are not hesitant to express. However, it is very useful and helpful. It has helped many people avoid the financial pitfalls that are rife in the timeshare industry including, among other things: 1)...the upfront fee resale and rental scam. 2)...the upfront fee "cancel" your timeshare scheme. 3)...buying from the developer when you can get the same thing resale for pennies on the dollar. 4)...rescinding a developer purchase. 5)...buying, or even acquiring for free, a unit that will be more of a money pit than a dream vacation spot. Don't feel shy about going on there and asking questions as needed. Many on there are ready to help and don't have any hidden agenda in doing so. They just want to make sure you avoid the many pitfalls in the timeshare world.