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Did you get lied to and it led to you buying a timeshare?

[Q=angelicaq2]What do you recommend as far as getting it cancelled[/Q] Unless you are still within your rescission period (10 days in Florida), you cannot "cancel" it. You own deeded property just like a house. If you want to shed yourself of ownership, then you have a few options. But first of all, are the mortgage and maintenance fees all paid off and up to date? If not, then your options are to pay these off and find a new owner/taker for your unit. Or, you can just stop all payments and let it foreclose. You will lose all the money you've sunk into this so far, face a barrage of collection calls and letters, and probably face a ding on your credit score or rating. If everything is paid off, then try selling your unit or listing it for give away. Some resort systems such as Wyndham, Diamond, and Westgate have deed back programs so you can try contacting the resort's Homeowners' association to see if they will take your unit back. The one big caution in your situation is to not go contacting any law firms or companies that claim they can/will "cancel" your timeshare because those are usually scams.