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Original Message:

Don't bite... (by KC):

cynthiac438 wrote:
Sent an email to the address (which is to someone in sectur)the person here provided & someone replied & called that can help me but I have to pay $4080 usd for administrative fees. Seems sketchy cuz the wire info that he gave me is to an individual in Guadalajara & not the Mexican government. I wanted to see if anyone can guide me to the right direction.

I certainly don't know who you contacted and I also have no idea from whom you obtained that contact info ("the person here provided it"), but whoever contacted you in response is obviously just another scammer, likely closely associated with the first scammer who already successfully fleeced you. The second scammers might even be the very same people as the first scammers for all you know, coming back to "help" you (...out of more of your money).

You have already been scammed once, so don't fall for a second scam --- and don't pay any amount of money to anyone who makes vague claims that they can "help" you. The only "help" that you will ever get from such scammers is instructions on how to wire away more money that you will never see again and cannot trace --- with no other result.

The truth is that if this involves a Mexican RTU timeshare, all you really have to do is STOP PAYING. You certainly will never get back a penny of what you have paid out so far, but at least you can stop sending good money after bad. There is nothing the Mexican timeshare operations can or will do to you except to terminate your right to use the property in the future. So what?

Stop paying, absorb the lessons and move on. No magical solutions to bad personal decisions are going to arrive on your doorstep.