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Original Message:

Re: Getting rid of a time share. (by Marie M.):

Oh my gosh, elsas3 is back!

Does he or she really believe that the people reading messages in this forum accept his allegation that he is just some hapless timeshare owner who found nirvana paying a company thousands of dollars to rid him of an unwanted timeshare? If someone is so helpless and unknowledgeable that he is unable to sell an unwanted week himself, why would such a "dummie" be able to so cogently articulate details about Timeshare Relief's business plan, etc...Give me a break!

Please note that those of us who are real timeshare owners, just trying to help other owners, have no ulterior motive. We have been spending a lot of time and energy giving honest advice on many different subjects on the Redweek forums. Elsas3, however, has never posted a message other than to "praise" Timeshare Relief. He/she has never mentioned which timeshare he owned and has not explained why an ex-owner would even be visiting a forum like this. If he/she is so glad to be out of timeshare ownership, why would he even be visiting a site like Redweek?

But I am glad that "elsas3" keeps popping back. Everytime he/she tries to shamelessly promote his--er I mean, the--Timeshare Relief company, it motivates more and more knowledgeable people to post strong warnings here against doing business with this kind of company.