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Original Message:

Re: Caution - renting out exchanged weeks ... (by Joe L.):

Another thing I just thought of. Since you say it is in the fine print of the agreement, which by the way was added after most of were already members, none of us would have read this and found it ourselves. Since this is the case in 99% of the time it should be a question an RCI or II Associate should ask you when placing an order ($60, cha-ching) for a Guest Reservation. If, in fact, it is that big of a deal to RCI and II then why in all of my Guest Reservations have they NEVER asked if I was renting this out, and if so, is it for more than the price of the Guest Reservation and Transfer Fee??. Don't you think if it was that big of a deal they would ask you that? I once again believe they don't for ONE reason... $$$$$$. They know that if they would try to inact this riduculous rule they would lose MAJOR $$$$$ from MANY members that would no longer deposit THEIR weeks into RCI, and the corresponding fees they receive from you AND the other person whose week you are using... CHA-CHING!!!