Note: Please do not post ads in the timeshare forums. If you want to add a timeshare posting, go here.

Original Message:

Re: Re: Renting Out Timeshare Getaway Weeks (by KC):

patrickm669 wrote:
You can rent the getaway weeks. Through companies like "World timeshare now". You cannot on VRBO or Airbnb. I have used world timeshare now and have made money by renting getaway weeks. You do need to pay the booking fee upfront for them to rent it but it is guaranteed to be rented or receive offers at the agreed upon price within 90 days.

You are conveniently overlooking (or perhaps just simply ignoring) the indisputable fact that Interval International specifically prohibits (as a very clear and specific term and condition of membership) the renting out of any weeks obtained as "Getaways" (just as RCI prohibits the renting out of weeks obtained as Last Calls or Extra Vacations in their terms and conditions of membership).

The advertising venue used is completely irrelevant; it is the practice itself which II and RCI specifically prohibit. Yes, you might occasionally "get away" with it, but don't just ignore or try to sugar coat the fact that it is clearly prohibited.