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Original Message:

Re: Renting Out Timeshare Getaway Weeks (by Deneene C.):

Hello. The entire reason why I purchased my vacation ownership membership was for the promise that I could rent out or sell the getaways from Interval International. I'm trying to navigate it and figure out the process now to see if it is true. My plan was to use the profits from this Revenue stream to pay for my membership and to make additional income. I was told that you can list them on Airbnb. I will be working over the next week to figure this out. I hope you have some success. Thank you ☺️ Dee

sonyac33 wrote:
Hello, I am a new timeshare owner and had a question about renting out getaway weeks. Last month my husband and I bought a timeshare in Gatlinburg, TN. When we purchased the timeshare we were told we would receive 12 Getaway Weeks with Interval International. Our sales rep and his manager both told us that we could sell those Getaway Weeks through VRBO in order to pay the yearly maintenance fee. Not being familiar with timeshares, we decided to go for it. We paid the outlandish advertisement fee (which was stupid, I know) thinking that we would be able to post those Getaway Weeks for places like New Orleans during Mardi Gras or Destin during Spring Break. Now not only am I finding out the only property we can post on VRBO is our own, but I'm reading on here that we can't even sell those Getaway Weeks. Is that correct? Did anybody else get tricked into buying a timeshare for the same reasons? Is this even legal?