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Original Message:

Re: Re: Ripoff - Marriott Vacation Club Destinations Program - New Point System (by Jim F.):

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Aruba is probably the most popular Caribbean Island. To me it's at the bottom of the list. Getting up at 5AM to get a spot at the pool or a shady spot at the beach is not my cup of tea, Marco Island is nice but I don't care for the beach as it's mostly crushed shells and it's hard on you feet without sandals. As far as pricing of resales or rental weeks you have to understand the the various ownership categories of the Marriott system. Everyone does not pay the same MF for the same week. I own 7 weeks in the system and rent them out on Redweek. Rarely do I see anyone renting for less than the MF at any beach resort anywhere in the system. In fact most weeks are renting for 50-150 % more than my MF. The Marriott system is complicated but for those who understand it there are tremendous deals to be had.