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Original Message:

Re: Hi! We'll Be Celebrating Our 25th... (by Frank C.):

ritam70 wrote:
we are staying in the court area, do you know anything about this area? It is a 2 bedroom thanks Rita

Welcome Rita,

Own two week in Courts, just traded those in for a SVN membership in Lakes. Purchsaed those in resale and double the money when use it to trade up, but you have to be careful how you buy them. Courts were build for full time condo at a time that Tennis was the in thing, so it was convered to timeshare by Vistana and is one of the early or the first timeshare in Orlando. It is older but the largest and close to the store and the tennis courts. welcome to visit my under Vistana Resort and I will post some photos from our July 2007 trip to Courts at Vistana Resort. And it is the only section that has townhouse units 1500 sq. ft.