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Original Message:

Re: How to rent your unit at the last minute (by Kenneth K.):

Cindy (NTHC) does it all the time & her profile says guest. I also see PLL posting & that profile says guest:

I was pretty sure the committee said the LMR boards for distressed weeks would be open to charge. The sighings board is closed to non members in an attempt to avoid the management companies from seeing the lists off the exchange boards, but I don't think that works...anyone on the management companies & developers can pay the fee and join.

jayjay wrote:
kekouri wrote:
Phil also mentioned the Last Minute Rental forums on the This COULD work, it is free, but the rules must be followed exactly, or the post will be removed. You have a time limit, and a price limit, as it is a distressed forum for those who really need to try to get SOMETHING back...maybe not even their maintance fees. Warning on the rules indicate no exchanges from II or RCI should be rented. This appears to have begun to happen with the independent exchange companies as well....but not sure.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you have to be a paying member of Tug to post and view the last minute rental forum.