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Original Message:

PostCard Company endorsed by neophyte (by KC):

mackf4 states, in relevant part: >> .... there was a vague statement that "Interval International will assign your week a point value later".<<

For the record, Interval International does not actually have a point system at all. RCI does, but not II. ---------------------------------------

>> In case anybody is in the market for an honest, trustworthy eBay seller, here is the information for the gentleman my family worked with: Doug Ochoa Ebay Seller handle: dochoa77 [further ad details omitted from reply] <<

FYI, Doug Ochoa and his brother have operated on eBay under several different seller names for quite some time now. I am not impugning their honesty, but you (and/or others) MIGHT be interested to learn that they represent "PostCard Companies". This means that they obtain timeshares for subsequent eBay auction and resale by others whom they represent having gotten people to PAY them (somewhere between $2500-$4500) to just "take the timeshare off their hands". This may result in some good "bargains" in subsequent eBay auctions, since the sellers have actually already made money before the auction even takes place. The money obtained via eBay auction (and in house closing costs collected by the Ochoas) is just more gravy.

I know from your previous posts that you are very new to timesharing. However, before you provide free advertising for the Ochoas and sing their praises here, I think it's relevant to at least know how they actually obtain the timeshare products to resell in the first place. Some folks don't care how / where PostCard Companies obtain their product. Others do (and I'll admit that I'm in the latter group).