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Original Message:

Timeshares is good investment or not. (by N W.):

I am not a shill seller. You do not know me at all.

And you are right about the economy. It has and will hurt a lot of people for quite some time.

However, 1. It makes the timeshares that people bought...if they bought the wrong timeshares at the wrong prices... an even worse deal.

2. If the right timeshare was bought at the right price they are STILL a good value AND a good investment.

3. And, for those how NOW buy a timeshare... IF they buy the right timeshares at the right price they will have very low cost vacations for a lifetime... an amazing investment !

I was ONLY trying to give people a perspective from a person... individual... who happened upon timeshares and have used timeshares correctly. It changed my life. FIne if you don't believe it, or want to do it. But, timeshares ARE a great investment there ever was! I know this for sure, but you do have to do it right.

I know all too well that most people do not believe me, or want to listen to someone who actully knows the facts and details.... not a problem. I wish you many great vacations.