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Suggestion for exchange searches (by Mike N.):

darinw9 wrote:
I'm not sure where to submit suggestions, so this seems like as good a place as any.

Is it possible to add some search capabilities to the exchange section? For example, it would be great to be able to search exchanges by date and not just by location. It would be great if I could see all the exchanges listed for a particular week. If I want to go on vacation the week of July 4th for example, It would make my life so much easier to type in a date range and have all the available exchanges pop up for that week.

As it is now, I have to click on every single location and scroll down to see when they are available.

Any thoughts?


From the HOME page on the right hand side, there is a link to Find a Timeshare (you can use the Timeshares for Rent & Sale tab as well. This will at least give you a map for Locations). Click the link for Advanced Search. Enter a location. It can be as general as North America or as specific as city. Use the pull down menus to search between months and weeks. You can access a TS weeks calendar here.

I've asked RedWeek staff if they could provide the "Advanced Search" feature via the Timeshare Exchange week, but they haven't felt the need to do it.

There is a "contact" link at the bottom of the web page. In my experience, the RedWeek Staff is good about repsonding to emails.